Eminent Amadeus 200

Amadeus 200 er et orgel med 38 klingende klassiske registre i 3 forskelige stilarter:
Barok 1, Symfonisk og Romantisk
2 manualer og 30-toners pedalspil og 80 setzer-kombinationer

4 orkesterstemmer fuldender dette mangfoldige instrument. Kabinettet er udført i "moderne" kabinet og er bygget med 11 højttalere, som kan fylde rummet med en meget stor og fyldig klang.

Pris: fra DKr 124.850,-

Amadeus 200 kan bestilles i en speciel "DK-version", som har setzer-kombinationer med step funktion, luksus filt-inddækninger omkring klaviaturer og registre samt editeringssoftware til at skabe mange hundrede alternative registre.

Pris for Amadeus 200-DK : fra DKr 134.850,-

Lyt til Eminent orgler

Bourdon 16'
Open Diapason 8'
Flûte Harmonique 8'
Rohrflute 8'
Salicional 8'
Octave 4'
Flute 4'
Twelfth 2 2/3'
Octave 2'
Mixture IV
Cornet V
Trumpet 16'
Trumpet 8'
Strings ensenble
Swell to Great
Quintadena 16' /td>
Open Diapason 8'
Hohlflöte 8'
Gamba 8'
Voix Celeste 8'
Open Diapason 4'
Rohrflute 4'
Nazard 2 2/3'
Waldflute 2'
Tierca 1 3/5'
Scharf III
Oboe 8'
Vox Humana 8'
Orchestra Flute
Bourdon 32''
Contrabass 16'
Subbass 16'
Open Diapason 8'
Gedackt 8'
Octave 4'
Mixture IV
Bombarde 16'
Trumpet 8'
Schalmei 4'
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal

General Specifications

manuals with church organ toucher (pressure point)
three styles / intonations (Barok I, Barok II, Symphonic)
separation between C and C sharp
physiological swell volume adjusting
dynamic attack sound
master volume control
fine tuning up and down
autobase (adjustable split)
reverberation CX series: 9 programs – adjustable per intonation
reverberation E series: 5 programs – adjustable per intonation
wind robbing, 3 programs – adjustable per intonation
digital pipe noise, 8 volumes – adjustable per intonation
tremulants adjustable in speed and depth per manual and intonation
adjustable Celeste detuning per intonation
voice editor for volume per voice and per voicing point
10 tuning temperaments, e.g. Werckmeister, Midtone
headphone socket
MIDI In-Out-Thru + line in-out
finish: oil, light oak or medium oak
Width = 132 cm, Height = 113 cm

Options (on request)

Eminent Voice Library
general crescendo pedal
roll-top cover wood for E260 and CX370
lock in roll-top cover
manuals plastic and sharp keys plastic
manuals wood core with plastic and sharp keys ebony
manuals wood core with cherry and sharp keys ebony
manuals wood core with ebony and sharp keys cherry
bench adjustable
concave, radiating concave or AGO pedal
sequential setzer
toe pistons for e.g. couplers
music stand adjustable
different color or type of wood
Maestro Tonalis intonation software
split console