Viscount Unico CLV6

Unico CLV6 er et orgel på 2 manualer med 35 klingende klassiske registre i 8 forskelige stilarter:
Flere hundrede ekstra registre
Barok 1, Barok 2, Romantisk og Symfonisk
2 manualer og et 32-toners pedalspil
CLV6 er en udbygget version af CLV4
Udvidet betjening med fodbetjente kontrolknapper

Kabinet med rullelåg i laminat eller smukt træ (CL6)

Pris: fra DKr 76.850,-

Kan leveres med Viscount højttalere eller Danhild Hybrakustiske lydgivere

Nedenfor kan du opleve to videoer med et Unico CLV4 / CLV6

Manuals 2 x 61 note "tracker touch" keyboards, with velocity control for MIDI and Orchestra sections.
Pedalboard notes 32 note straight, straight concave, radiating concave
Register Control Tilt Tab
Internal Amplification 2 x 60 Watt + 1 x 100 Watt
Speakers 5
Expression Pedals 1
Crescendo Pedal yes
Pedal 10
Great 12
Swell 13
Orchestral Voices 3
Total Voices 35 classic, 3 orchestral, hundreds of voices in the internal sound bank
Styles 4 Preset + 4 User. Hundreds sound styles can be loaded and/or stored from/to internal memory and pen drive
Alternative Voices Selectable additional sound for each stop
Orchestral Alternative Voices Selectable additional sound for dedicated stop
General Pistons 8
Memory Bank 16
Total Memories 128 general, tens of thousands with pen drive
Piston Sequencer Prev - Next pistons
Toe Pistons 4
Automatic Pedal Yes
Enclosed Piston Yes
Couplers 3, with Stops, Pistons and Toe Studs
Transposer -6/+5
General and Reverb Volume With rotary potentiometers
Orchestra and Midi Sustain Kick switch located on the side of the expression pedal
Remote Control Optional radio no directive 50 mt distance remote control with built in 2x16 display
Display 128 x 64 dots graphic with backlight
Voice Parameters Stop by stop adjustable voice parameters
Divisional Volume Separate for each division
Tremulant 2, Separately for each manuals depth and speed adjustable
Reverb 8 Types
Adjustable Ensemble Effect Adjustable
Air Pressure Effect Proportional to the active Voices
Historic Temperaments Kirnberger II, Kirnberger III, Werckmeister III, Werckmeister IV, Werckmeister V, Vallotti, Silbermann I, Silbermann II, Kellner 1975, Meantone, Meantone pure minor third, Zarlino, Sauveur I, Sauveur II, Barca, Rameau, Pythagorean; each with programmable "Tonic" Key Note
Keyboards Inversion Yes
Programmable Output Routing Stop by stop adjustable windchest layout
External Output Volume Control independent volume control for each channel
5 Bands Equalizer on External Outputs independent equalizer for each channel
5 Bands Equalizer on Internal Amplification Yes
Midi Programmable Tx/Rx Midi Ch., Tx/Rx Midi Filter, Send PG, Keyb. Midi Velocity
Sequencer Interactive song sequencer with overdubbing function
Demo Songs Yes
File Management Copy, Load, Save, Rename, Delete etc.
Lock Organ With password
Midi In, Out, Thru Yes
Stereo Headphone Output Yes
Stereo Aux Input Yes
Mic. Input With gain control
External Output 4+1, (12+1 when replacing standard output board with optional expansion board)
USB to PC For finest finishing and personalization like Stop by Stop, Note by Note Volume and Pitch Regulation, Stop disposition, Internal and External Routing, etc. (optional)
USB for Pen Drive Yes
Dimensions (WxHxD) cm 145,8 x 114,5 x 111,7 - 57.40" x 45.07" x 43.97"
Dimensions without music desk and pedalboard (WxHxD) cm 145,8 x 114,5 x 66,5 - 57.40" x 45.07" x 26.18"
Cabinet Features Elegant wooden console in dark, medium or light oak, elegant wooden lighted music rack, roll cover and matching bench
Colours / Finishes Dark oak simulated wood
Weight kg 137 / Lbs 302,03